Saturday 17 August 2013

A Single Step: Paris 2013: Place Saint-Michel and the Eiffel Tower.

But the day was still young and there were still sights to see, so we made our way towards the metro to go to the Eiffel Tower. We didn't get very far however, as I spotted the famous Shakespeare & Company bookshop! I just had to go in! I didn't get many photos in there as I was looking at the books in awe and stroking the worn covers, but I did get one inside a little writing cubicle!

After a few minutes of crying over the beautiful books, we made our way towards the metro again, but we didn't make it down the stairs before I had to fan-girl! You see, I saw this pretty fountain with a lovely statues and I decided to take a photo of it, but as I zoomed in on the plaque that told us about the history of the place, I couldn't help but gasp. We were in Place Saint-Michel. We were in the Latin Quarter. We were really close to the site of the Cafe Musain! Or in non-geek-language: we were in the area where part of Les Miserables is set!

We eventually got on the metro and made our way to the Eiffel Tower. Now get ready for an unpopular opinion: the Eiffel Tower is overrated. Now don't get me wrong, it's pretty cool, it's very big, it's especially pretty when the lights go on at night, but... well... next to all the beautiful stone buildings and incredible historical sights, it just felt like a pile of metal. And it's not even silver! I honestly thought it was silver/grey, but no, it's a weird bronze colour! As I said, it looked pretty at night, and the surrounding area is very nice and peaceful, but it was probably at the bottom of my list of favourite sights.

And this was the end of my first day in Paris! More photos to come from the following days...

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